Monday, September 11, 2006

Second Life- Your World. Your Imagination.

Around 1999 or so, there was a revolution in online fantasy/role-playing applications called The Sims™ . This spawned all kinds of sequels, people downloading the newest versions, getting all wrapped up in it. This
basically is to The Sims, what Web 2.0 was to the rest of the online world, an upgrade. In a recent PopSci article, it describes how major players, WalMart, American Express, and Intel are implementing it for use in training, and so forth. I pose the following question(s); How on earth does anyone but a Hikikomori get involved in this, and secondly, does anyone remember Tamagotchis? Just asking...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Hokie Bird

The Hokies' mascot is everywhere around here as of late. In a moove similar to this campaign, an organisation called The Blacksburg Partnership Foundation started a project called Gobble de Art. They commisioned an artist to render seventy-five, five foot tall fiberglass replicas of the beloved VT mascot, to portray various themes, along the lines of the aforementioned "Cows on Parade" thing, which I witnessed in NYC, right before, and following 9/11. As I recently moved here, and never really had any interest in college football, I wasn't too familiar with "The Hokies"(who apparently were not quite all asses and elbows this past Sat. against the Huskies). I had no idea how passionate people around here were about all of this. The mascot even has his own wiki. The Gobble de Art site promises a gallery of the likenesses to follow, and is going to auction off the statues for money to invest in the development of the City of Blacksburg , something which is not needed, trust me. They also offer a map of where the different likenesses are located, and a brief description of them.

Top Flash Sites of All Time

Commemorating the tenth anniversary of Adobe Flash, here is a compilation of the most influental applications of... the application.
Flash-The Tenth Anniversary (Hint, you will need the latest version of Flash, and a broadband connection to view this)

Pointless Post Version 1.3

Football season is almost upon us, so here is one of my all-time favorites, Bobblehead Football Challenge

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Police recover Munch masterpieces

One more post, as timely as this is... Police recover stolen Munch masterpieces and an editorial, why couldn't I have been one of the people who recovered this work of art? "The Scream" Returned

Wikpedia- The Truth Behind the Behemoth

I am done for now, I leave you with this; Wikpedia, The Definitive Guide The definitive source for anyone that wants to know anything, about nauseum...

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Another in a series of useless links, this one is pretty cool. I really need to learn how to implement Shockwave into apps. Also, Ajax is the coolest new thing since sliced bread, a little Dreamweaver mixed in for good measure. In a social networking-type sense, it connects all these people together, except that it relates to big media, ergo, it precludes the need for these people to be networked... Again, I guess this is pretty much pointless... Liveplasma

Pointless Post Version 1.2

Another in my series of time wasters, check it out. Google Image Labeler

How Web 2.0 Are You?

This demonstraton is like those "sigs" that people have on their posts in forums, with the little caveman holding up a sign announcing your ip address, service provider, os, etc. The difference here is that the results are based on CSS templates that websites use, and are stored in your browser's "cookies". Cascading style sheets make web publishing a breeze, but apparently, open holes in whatever solace you thought that you had in "secure" browsing. Not as disturbing as you might think initially, but could be exploited for an advertiser's gain. The first in a series of goofy posts to follow here. Btw, like the people over at said, "It's a wild world wide web, so browse tall, and carry a well configured firewall, or something...

Pointless Post, Version 1.1

Completely worthless, time-wasting link. More to follow... follow the bouncing ball