The Hokies' mascot is everywhere around here as of late. In a moove similar to
this campaign, an organisation called The Blacksburg Partnership Foundation started a project called
Gobble de Art. They commisioned an artist to render seventy-five, five foot tall fiberglass replicas of the beloved VT mascot, to portray various themes, along the lines of the aforementioned "Cows on Parade" thing, which I witnessed in NYC, right before, and following 9/11. As I recently moved here, and never really had any interest in college football, I wasn't too familiar with "The Hokies"(who apparently were
not quite all asses and elbows this past Sat. against the Huskies). I had no idea how passionate people around here were about all of this. The mascot even has
his own wiki. The Gobble de Art site promises a gallery of the likenesses to follow, and is going to auction off the statues for money to invest in the development of the City of Blacksburg , something which is not needed,
trust me. They also offer a map of where the different likenesses are located, and a brief description of them.