Wednesday, August 23, 2006

This is a quick post, to clarify a couple of things, for people who have asked me things privately, since my last post. Yes, I basically live in Radford, Va. My abode is centered between Virginia Tech, where the infamous Vick kids balled(insert your own innuendos randomly), links to follow later, (edit; Michael and Fredo) and RU. Yes, Radford holds the record for beer sold to a single retailer in a given month, per-capita (woking on independantly providing a link, thank you to everyone who attempted to substantiate this) and yes, RU, Radford University was the top "party" school in the nation for a while. My point was that I live in a quaint community, having just moved from the outskirts of a major metropolitan area, and things are the same here as any other area with a high(again, oh nevermind) concentration of college kids. Give me a day or so, I will be able to point out the irony in all of this, trust me. Later!


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