Surfers Rules of Etiquette
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1. Paddler closest to the breaking wave has possession.
2. Green is surfing, Red may not drop in.
3. Green is already surfing, so Red has a late take-off and may not surf.
4. Again Red is inside Green, but Green is already surfing so Red is out of luck.
5. Red is attempting a soup take-off but Green has caught the wave on the face and has right of way.
6. Green is coming back to the wave face and is not caught in the soup. Red may not surf.
7. Red has lost forward momentum and is caught in the soup. Green may take possession.
8. When Red wipes out Green may surf.
9. Both boards may surf from one peak if they go in opposite directions and their paths don't cross.
10. Red is attempting to take off behind the peak. Green may go if Red can't make the section. Careful judgment is needed, Red might be good enough to make the wave.
11. Green has sole possession and may take off behind the peak.
12. Neither surfer has right of way in a collision situation.
13. Green has right of way but may not hit Red. Under contest rules Red may be called for interference if he impedes Green's progress.
Surfer in Red never has Right-Of-Way. Go Green and have funLabels: etiquette, fun, surfing